Saturday, June 5, 2010

Being Fearless;

Being Fearless

Every day in your life, every moment, is filled with possibility. And there is one thing that can stop that possibilities in their tracks and prevent them from becoming reality.

That something is Fear.

Fear is a natural, human response. It was wired into our DNA for a very important reason – to keep us from wandering into situations where we could get hurt, or even killed. It’s part of our natural, inborn need to Not Die.

But in our modern world, the danger of walking into a fire or getting eaten by a lion is very minimal. The problem is, we still have all that natural adrenaline zooming around inside of us. And what happens is, it gets directed to other areas – when we’re in an unfamiliar situation, or taking a risk. And instead of protecting us, in our modern lives, fear actually hurts us.

For that reason, fear is basically a useless emotion. It only serves to stop you, and the only thing it stops you from is reaching your full potential as a woman and as a human being. So from now on, from this day forward, fear has no place in your life. Unless there is a clear and present danger to your physical health, you can and will move forward fearlessly. Whatever is out there waiting for you, you are strong enough to handle it. You will learn from it. And you will become more beautiful for having faced it.

So bring it on.

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