Sunday, June 27, 2010

What Message Are You Sending

What Message Are You Sending;

“If I can believe it, I can achieve it.” How many times have you seen or heard that expression? It’s usually directed at children, in the hopes of encouraging them to set goals and aim high. But this need for self-belief holds equally true for adults. And for a business owner, believing in yourself is absolutely essential.

Why? Because the messages you send yourself are more powerful than anything anyone else can say to you. You alone know, deep down inside, who you really are and what you are really capable of. Reminding yourself of your strength, of your ability, of your faith, gives you the power you need to face each day with an open heart and an open mind and squeeze everything you can out of every experience.

And if you don’t believe in yourself? You’ll sabotage your own chances of getting the best out of yourself, because you’ll be sending yourself the message not to dream, not to reach, not to try.

What possible reason could you have to do that?

Yes, things may have happened to you in the past that make it hard to believe in yourself. But the past is the past. We’re talking about your incredible future. So from now on, you will believe in the strength and the promise and the passion that is there inside of you.

Because when you believe it, you really can achieve it. And you will.
Your Coach,

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