Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Be the Winner!

I am the Solution

Whatever is wrong in your life, whatever situation you are not happy or satisfied with, there is a person who can fix the problem right now.

And that person is you.

A Winner does not look to other people to solve her problems. Because, in the life of a person who is growing and evolving and getting better every day, problems are just opportunities in disguise. They are challenges to be overcome. Which means they are actually accomplishments, just waiting to happen. Waiting for you to make them happen.

Wait for someone else to solve your problems and, even if they do, you deprive yourself of the upside of negative situations – finding the solution. You will miss an important opportunity to learn something about yourself, about how the world works, about how much power you really have over your own destiny.

And if the same problem pops up again, guess what? You may need once again to depend on another person to solve it.

By working through your own problems, however, you learn new skills. You expand your mind and your world. You become stronger and more capable. And you grow as a person. Which makes you more and more a winner.

Your Coach,

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