Sunday, May 30, 2010

Habits are Everything!

Let's begin with FIVE painfully obvious truths:

Truth #1 - Successful people have successful habits.

Truth #2 - Unsuccessful people have unsuccessful habits.

Truth #3 - Habits are behavior, and behavior never lies.

Truth #4 - Your habits determine your past, present and future.

Truth #5 - If you want change in your life, you must change your

NOW, let's do a simple fill in the blank exercise to determine how
well your current habits are serving you.

Here's a health related example with two possible answers:

- My health, exercise and eating habits have...turned me into a
firm, energetic and unstoppable powerhouse.

- My health, exercise and eating habits have...turned me into a
flabby, lethargic and unmotivated person.

Now, take a few moments to answer these questions regarding your

1. My savings and spending habits have...

2. My sales and marketing habits have...

3. My relationship habits have...

4. My parenting habits have...

5. My time management habits have...

6. My demonstrated leadership habits have...

7. My communication habits have...

8. My work habits have...

So, how did you do?

Are your habits helping or hurting your performance?

The one true path to success and happiness in life is to change
your behavior by replacing your bad habits with positive habits
that move you in the direction that you want.

It's easy for me to say that if you keep doing what you've been
doing, you'll keep getting what you've been getting, so change your

And that's exactly what I'm going to tell you to do--just change!

Here are some great ideas to change your self image;

5 Ways To Improved Self Image;
1. Dress
The way you dress is a reflection of your self-image. For a higher self image, choose clothing that is positive, clean, and purposeful. I'm not saying you always have to wear the most expensive suit or dress you can afford. But your attitude about what you wear and how you wear it is critical. If you are going to be taken seriously you need to dress seriously. There is a tool that has been around for over 150 years called an iron, learn how to use it. (Men) Learn how to press dress shirts, if you can afford dry-cleaning on your dress shirts, get them pressed with medium starch. (Too much starch will wear them out quickly)

This isn't a lesson on how to wash your clothing, however, keep yourself fresh and remember, perception is reality. Take yourself seriously in the area of fashion. Stay in tune with what professionals are wearing. You don't need to spend a fortune to be up to speed with the latest trends. But make sure and spend some time to make improvements. Trust me, your self-image will thank you dearly.

2. Personal Health

Exercise produces endorphins which are proven to create a positive mood. Physical exercise also strengthens your self-image and confidence. Don't get confused, your self-image doesn't exist from having the perfect body. Self-Image should come from one and one source only, your creator. However, our creator also gave you a body to be a good steward of, and it's your responsibility to honor that. Take responsibility when it comes to your diet and personal hygiene, it will show others that they can impart trust to you in many other areas including business and relationships.

I can only speak for the guys in this area, but long hair covering the face psychologically tells others that you are trying to hide something. Do everyone a favor and clip the nose hairs and kill the unibrow. I'm not trying to convert the manly men into the typical metro-sexual here, just helping you land a date. It is no secret, every human being has bad breath, unfortunately not every human seems to know it. Get in the know, get at least 3 types of breath fresheners and carry them with you religiously.

Smell good but don't go swimming in cologne or perfume. There is a difference between smelling good and causing people to choke. A nice smelling aftershave for men and a light touch of cologne on the wrists should do the trick. Ladies, do your thing, I'm sure something similar applies!

3. Association

I don't like overcomplicating this topic. It's simple, if you want to learn about yourself, study your friends. The friends with higher standards in life will raise the standards in yours. Here is a simple equation for measuring income related association: Take the top 10 people you spend the most time with, average out their incomes and that is the most amount of money you will ever make as long as you continue to spend the most time with those 10 people.

Don't be afraid to drop the friends that are dragging you down in life. Don't fool yourself, sometimes you have to look at the facts and ask yourself if that group or friend is really an asset to your self-image or a liability? A true friend is a person or group that makes you feel better about yourself when you leave than before you arrived.

4. Positive Talk

One of the secrets to a good self-image is how you talk about yourself. The words we speak are a reflection of what is in our heart, what is in our heart is a reflection of what we think and what we think is a reflection of what we allow ourselves to listen to and watch. Here's a tip, cut off the negative music and the negative talking heads on T.V. and start listening to uplifting music and reading self-development books. You'll not only think differently, and feel differently, but it will completely change the way you talk which will raise your self-image in ways I cannot explain.

5. Purpose or "A Plan"

It's hard to have a high self-image if you don't have a dream. Get a dream, build your dream, chase your dream. Develop a purpose and a goal, set out a plan of attack, then pursue it relentlessly until the job is done. The people I've met with the highest self-image know whose they are and what they have been called to do through the dreams that have been planted deep inside their soul. Light yourself on fire and the world will come to watch you burn (not literally of course!). I hope you've read this with an open mind, if you haven't, go open it up and come back to read it again. Trust me, your self-image will thank you dearly.
Your Coach,
For Success;
Knowing is not enough,you must apply;willing is not enough,you must do.
Bill Kerr
Director of Lifestyle Operations
cell (705)796-6255

1 comment:

  1. This is great advise that I am going to follow from NOW ON. I've been a real slacker when it came to habits. Keep those Blogs coming Mr.Kerr. I Love them. :)
