Wednesday, June 23, 2010

"Your Goals"

Your Goals;

He seemed embarrassed, his voice lowered, almost to a
whisper, and he said, "Bill, I had so many goals going into
2010. It's now the middle of June and I'm so mad at myself.
I haven't done anything."

There was a pause on the telephone for 5 seconds, it felt
like forever, he added, "I feel like just quitting."

I said, "Sure, go ahead. Quit. Throw away everything you
desire. How does that make you feel when you think about

"Not good."

I said, "So cut the crap. We're in the 6th month of the year, the year
isn't close to being over yet. You have 6+ days left in June. You could look
backwards or look forwards, which way do you want to look?"


"What are 2 things you want to accomplish in the next 30

He wrote them down.

"When will you be accountable for the 1st goal being done?"

"And the 2nd goal?"

"What actions do you need to take to get going NOW?"

He kept writing.

"Bill, my procrastination and lack of focus have haunted me
all year. I'm scared they're going to get the best of me."

I jumped in, "Stop being scared and START doing something
about the problem.Fears are self created stop doing that to yourself.

My own voice started to raise, I said, "Listen, you have 6+
days left this month. You can make excuses or you can generate
EXCITEMENT in your life. YOU have to make that choice.

Are you ready to go out there and kick some butt?"

He said, "Yes!"

I said, "Let's DO IT!

Focus on the 2 goals you have and what YOU need to start
doing. Start right NOW!"

( Your Name ), you have 6+ days left this month, are you
going to finish strong and get the momentum you desire in 2010?

Your Coach,


P.S. Feel the POWER of laser like FOCUS. Feel your energy
start to boil inside as you take that next step towards your
goals and dreams.

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