Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Full Potential

Full Potential Stop Doubting;

Right now, whoever you are, you have the power to reach your full potential and accomplish great things. But in order to live your very best life as a man and as a person, you need to stop doubting your ability to reach that potential. You need to believe not only that you deserve the things that you want, but that you are capable of making them happen.

When you doubt yourself – when you see yourself as less than you really are – you short circuit yourself. You stop holding yourself to the standards of behaviour and accomplishment that you’re capable of. You think you deserve less, so you act like deserve less, and guess what happens?

You wind up with less.

So right now, today, is the time to release self-doubt from your mind and your soul and your consciousness. Your job is simply to go after what you want and who you want to be with all your heart and soul. Trust that you want it because it is right for you, and trust that you deserve to go after it.

More often than not, there is only one person standing between you and your full potential – and that is you. So right now is the time to stop saying “I can’t” and replace itwith the words, “I can.” Not just “I can,” but “I will.”

And you will.

Your Coach Bill

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