Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Be Aware Of:

Be Aware Of:

Between work and family and friends and our bodies and our relationships and money and the other zillion pressures of modern life, stress happens. That’s just reality, and there’s really no controlling it. With our iPhones and Blackberries we are constantly reachable, constantly accountable, constantly plugged in. And even for the technophobic, life today is more complicated, and more stressful, than ever before.

However, there is something we can do to control the effect stress has on us. We can control how we handle stress.

When we let stress get the best of us, it can take an enormous toll on our physical and mental health and actually prevent us from living the lives we want to live. But when we manage stress, we can put it in its proper place, deal with it and move on. The first step in managing stress is to recognize it. Stress and denial can be a dangerous combination – you can work yourself into a state of exhaustion while accomplishing absolutely nothing. But by taking a moment to recognize that you are under stress and honor that experience, you can then take positive action to help you cope in a way that works for you. Whether it’s going for a walk, listening to music or just taking a few deep breaths, finding a way to manage stress will keep you focused and on track toward a fulfilling life.


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