Monday, June 28, 2010

Get Your Swagger In Place!

Get Your Swagger In Place

Do you wake up every morning excited to face the day ahead, whatever it might bring? If you do, that means you feel passionate about life. Passion is an essential component in the life of a chasing a dream, because when you live with passion, you put your whole heart and soul into everything you do. From taking care of your home to talking with a friend, you add that little extra bit of you to whatever you touch. And the people who know and love you appreciate it. Because that passion is a huge part of what makes you special.

If you don’t feel especially passionate about life right now, don’t worry. There are ways to tap into those deep emotions you may be hiding deep down inside you. It’s all about opening yourself up, about finding the passion that’s out there, right now, in the smallest, quietest moment.

You can find it in the voices of children playing. Or in the wise, knowing faces of older people who have learned so much about life. Or in the sound of rushing water, or the long, white clouds moving across the sky. My point? That there is so much in our incredible world – and in your beautiful life – to feel passionate about. So feel free to put yourself out there and try to get the most out of every day. I promise, it is all there waiting for you.
Your Coach,

Sunday, June 27, 2010

What Message Are You Sending

What Message Are You Sending;

“If I can believe it, I can achieve it.” How many times have you seen or heard that expression? It’s usually directed at children, in the hopes of encouraging them to set goals and aim high. But this need for self-belief holds equally true for adults. And for a business owner, believing in yourself is absolutely essential.

Why? Because the messages you send yourself are more powerful than anything anyone else can say to you. You alone know, deep down inside, who you really are and what you are really capable of. Reminding yourself of your strength, of your ability, of your faith, gives you the power you need to face each day with an open heart and an open mind and squeeze everything you can out of every experience.

And if you don’t believe in yourself? You’ll sabotage your own chances of getting the best out of yourself, because you’ll be sending yourself the message not to dream, not to reach, not to try.

What possible reason could you have to do that?

Yes, things may have happened to you in the past that make it hard to believe in yourself. But the past is the past. We’re talking about your incredible future. So from now on, you will believe in the strength and the promise and the passion that is there inside of you.

Because when you believe it, you really can achieve it. And you will.
Your Coach,

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

"Your Goals"

Your Goals;

He seemed embarrassed, his voice lowered, almost to a
whisper, and he said, "Bill, I had so many goals going into
2010. It's now the middle of June and I'm so mad at myself.
I haven't done anything."

There was a pause on the telephone for 5 seconds, it felt
like forever, he added, "I feel like just quitting."

I said, "Sure, go ahead. Quit. Throw away everything you
desire. How does that make you feel when you think about

"Not good."

I said, "So cut the crap. We're in the 6th month of the year, the year
isn't close to being over yet. You have 6+ days left in June. You could look
backwards or look forwards, which way do you want to look?"


"What are 2 things you want to accomplish in the next 30

He wrote them down.

"When will you be accountable for the 1st goal being done?"

"And the 2nd goal?"

"What actions do you need to take to get going NOW?"

He kept writing.

"Bill, my procrastination and lack of focus have haunted me
all year. I'm scared they're going to get the best of me."

I jumped in, "Stop being scared and START doing something
about the problem.Fears are self created stop doing that to yourself.

My own voice started to raise, I said, "Listen, you have 6+
days left this month. You can make excuses or you can generate
EXCITEMENT in your life. YOU have to make that choice.

Are you ready to go out there and kick some butt?"

He said, "Yes!"

I said, "Let's DO IT!

Focus on the 2 goals you have and what YOU need to start
doing. Start right NOW!"

( Your Name ), you have 6+ days left this month, are you
going to finish strong and get the momentum you desire in 2010?

Your Coach,


P.S. Feel the POWER of laser like FOCUS. Feel your energy
start to boil inside as you take that next step towards your
goals and dreams.

Better Listening

5 Simple Ways To Be A Better Listener

Are you really listening?

In my journey toward better communication, here are 5 ways I’ve found to help reduce the distractions we face in communication:

1. Clear some space –
I started “clearing space” by removing everything from my work area that wasn’t related to the conversation at hand. As the notion of space trickled into other parts of my life, I found myself silencing my phone during meals. I started taking notes during presentations instead of just gazing. And I gave pause after others spoke before replying. I soon discovered that I wasn’t just getting more out of conversations; I was finding more value in time spent alone!

2. Control your limbs –
You’ve probably been in conversations with people who talk with their limbs; most use their hands. Listening with limbs is another story. Confession: I am a pen-clicker. You know those annoying people who click their pens without realizing it? I am one. If I click my pen while you’re talking, you’ll probably be distracted. If I rearrange my silverware at dinner while you’re talking, you’ll be distracted. So I got rid of my click-able pens and made a point to avoid behaviors that not only distracted others but also caused them to think I wasn’t listening (in most cases, I probably wasn’t).

3. Ask questions –
I’ve found that the best listeners make a regular practice of asking thoughtful questions. When you reach a pause in conversation, ask a question that clarifies a previous point or helps to dig deeper into the topic of conversation. The person or group you’re talking to will gain value from your question and you’ll find it easier to resist distractions because your mind is fully engaged.

4. Make a move –
When you know you’ll be sitting for an extended period of time (seminar or a meeting at work, looking through a 450-page photo album with Auntie Dorothy, etc), put in a few minutes of exercise ahead of time. There’s no need to break a sweat, just put in enough effort so your breathing deepens. When you go to sit, you’ll have more blood running to your brain for thinking and the chair might actually feel comfortable following your effort. I’m afraid no amount of exercise will make folding metal chairs comfortable. I’m sorry.

5. Enforce a “no-fly zone” –
This is a block of time you set aside each day that is completely free from the buzzing flotsam of media and work inputs. Silence your phone, close the laptop, put away the papers, and try your hardest not to even think about the big distractions that follow you around. Do some crunches. Lie on the floor and watch the ceiling fan spin. Hang out with your kids if you’ve got them. If you don’t have kids, hang out with some kids who need your positive influence. Knock something off your “honey-do” list and chat with your partner. Enforce your “no-fly zone” religiously and you’ll soon find a sense of clarity creeping into other aspects of your life.

Becoming a better listener takes effort and, most importantly, patience. Be warned, however, for once you start truly listening you may find the process habit-forming. When people know they are being heard they tend to share amazing things we certainly would have missed otherwise.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Jumping In

Are You Open-Minded;

How open is your mind? Since you’ve opened your mind to the idea of looking at and experiencing success and influence in a new way, you can already say that you, in fact, are openminded. Which is a very good thing – because, as strange as it might sound, the more open your mind is, the more influential you will become.

Still, many of us have some trouble when facing new things, new situations and new challenges. While some of us are comfortable jumping in with both feet, you might be the person who waits in the background, unwilling or unable to move forward.

Opening your mind is all about letting go – just a little at first – and saying yes to things and experiences you might have said no to. Like starting a conversation with a new prospect or just getting out of your comfort zone.

A closed mind is just that – closed. It closes the door to new thoughts, new ideas and new experiences. It imposes limits on how far we can go and how successful we can become. But being influential is all about breaking down barriers, stretching limits and growing more confident, more strong, and yes, more successful. So an open mind is absolutely essential to the process.

So from this day forward, you will have an open mind. You will experience everything you can – because every new experience enriches you, adding more depth to your being and more layers to your soul.

And makes you that much more influential.

Your Coach

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Be the Winner!

I am the Solution

Whatever is wrong in your life, whatever situation you are not happy or satisfied with, there is a person who can fix the problem right now.

And that person is you.

A Winner does not look to other people to solve her problems. Because, in the life of a person who is growing and evolving and getting better every day, problems are just opportunities in disguise. They are challenges to be overcome. Which means they are actually accomplishments, just waiting to happen. Waiting for you to make them happen.

Wait for someone else to solve your problems and, even if they do, you deprive yourself of the upside of negative situations – finding the solution. You will miss an important opportunity to learn something about yourself, about how the world works, about how much power you really have over your own destiny.

And if the same problem pops up again, guess what? You may need once again to depend on another person to solve it.

By working through your own problems, however, you learn new skills. You expand your mind and your world. You become stronger and more capable. And you grow as a person. Which makes you more and more a winner.

Your Coach,

11 Procrastination Tips

You have a deadline looming. However, instead of doing your work, you are fiddling with miscellaneous things like checking email, social media, watching videos, surfing blogs and forums. You know you should be working, but you just don’t feel like doing anything.

We are all familiar with the procrastination phenomenon. When we procrastinate, we squander away our free time and put off important tasks we should be doing them till it’s too late. And when it is indeed too late, we panic and wish we got started earlier. The chronic procrastinators I know have spent years of their life looped in this cycle. Delaying, putting off things, slacking, hiding from work, facing work only when it’s unavoidable, then repeating this loop all over again. It’s a bad habit that eats us away and prevents us from achieving greater results in life.

Don’t let procrastination take over your life. Here, I will share my personal steps which I use to overcome procrastination with great success. These 11 steps will definitely apply to you too:

1.Break your work into little steps. Part of the reason why we procrastinate is because subconsciously, we find the work too overwhelming for us. Break it down into little parts, then focus on one part at the time. If you still procrastinate on the task after breaking it down, then break it down even further. Soon, your task will be so simple that you will be thinking “gee, this is so simple that I might as well just do it now!”.For example, I’m currently writing a new book (on How to achieve anything in life). Book writing at its full scale is an enormous project and can be overwhelming. However, when I break it down into phases such as – (1) Research (2) Deciding the topic (3) Creating the outline (4) Drafting the content (5) Writing Chapters #1 to #10, (6) Revision (7) etc, suddenly it seems very manageable. What I do then is to focus on the immediate phase and get it done to my best ability, without thinking about the other phases. When it’s done, I move on to the next.
2.Change your environment. Different environments have different impact on our productivity. Look at your work desk and your room. Do they make you want to work or do they make you want to snuggle and sleep? If it’s the latter, you should look into changing your workspace. One thing to note is that an environment that makes us feel inspired before may lose its effect after a period of time. If that’s the case, then it’s time to change things around.
3.Create a detailed timeline with specific deadlines. Having just 1 deadline for your work is like an invitation to procrastinate. That’s because we get the impression that we have time and keep pushing everything back, until it’s too late. Break down your project (see tip #1), then create an overall timeline with specific deadlines for each small task. This way, you know you have to finish each task by a certain date. Your timelines must be robust, too – i.e. if you don’t finish this by today, it’s going to jeopardize everything else you have planned after that. This way it creates the urgency to act. My goals are broken down into monthly, weekly, right down to the daily task lists, and the list is a call to action that I must accomplish this by the specified date, else my goals will be put off.
4.Eliminate your procrastination pit-stops. If you are procrastinating a little too much, maybe that’s because you make it easy to procrastinate. Identify your browser bookmarks that take up a lot of your time and shift them into a separate folder that is less accessible. Disable the automatic notification option in your email client. Get rid of the distractions around you. I know some people will out of the way and delete/deactivate their facebook accounts. I think it’s a little drastic/extreme as addressing procrastination is more about being conscious of our actions than counteracting via self-binding methods, but if you feel that’s what’s needed, go for it.
5.Hang out with people who inspire you to take action. I’m pretty sure if you spend just 10 minutes talking to Steve Jobs or Bill Gates, you’ll be more inspired to act than if you spent the 10 minutes doing nothing. The people we are with influence our behaviors. Of course spending time with Steve Jobs/Bill Gates every day is probably not a feasible method, but the principle applies.In I-commerce we have our audio's we can turn them on and spend time with the legends. Identify the people/friends/colleagues who trigger you – most likely the go-getters and hard workers – and hang out with them more often. Soon you will inculcate their drive and spirit too.
6.Get a buddy. Having a companion makes the whole process much more fun. Ideally, your buddy should be someone who has his/her own set of goals. Both of you will hold each other accountable to your goals and plans. While it’s not necessary for both of you to have the same goals, it’ll be even better if that’s the case, so you can learn from each other. I have a good friend whom I talk to regularly, and we always ask each other about our goals and progress in achieving those goals. Needless to say, it spurs us to keep taking action.
7.Tell others about your goals. This serves the same function as #6, on a larger scale. Tell all your friends, colleagues, acquaintances and family about your projects. Now whenever you see them, they are bound to ask you about your status on those projects. For example, sometimes I announce my projects on Twitter and Facebook, and my readers will ask me about them on an ongoing basis. It’s a great way to keep myself accountable to my plans.
8.Seek out someone who has already achieved the outcome. What is it you want to accomplish here, and who are the people who have accomplished this already? Go seek them out and connect with them. Seeing living proof that your goals are very well achievable if you take action is one of the best triggers for action.
9.Re-clarify your goals. If you have been procrastinating for an extended period of time, it might reflect a misalignment between what you want and what you are currently doing. Often times, we outgrow our goals as we discover more about ourselves, but we don’t change our goals to reflect that. Get away from your work (a short vacation will be good, else just a weekend break will do too) and take some time to regroup yourself. What exactly do you want to achieve? What should you do to get there? What are the steps to take? Does your current work align with that? If not,what can you do about it?
10.Stop over-complicating things. Are you waiting for a perfect time to do this? That maybe now is not the best time because of X, Y, Z reasons? Ditch that thought because there’s never a perfect time. If you keep waiting for one, you are never going to accomplish anything. Perfectionism is one of the biggest reasons for procrastination.
11.Get a grip and just do it. At the end, it boils down to taking action. You can do all the strategizing, planning and hypothesizing, but if you don’t take action, nothing’s going to happen. Occasionally, I get readers and clients who keep complaining about their situations but they still refuse to take action at the end of the day. Reality check: I have never heard anyone procrastinate their way to success before and I doubt it’s going to change in the near future. Whatever it is you are procrastinating on, if you want to get it done, you need to get a grip on yourself and do it.

Which tips work best for you? Do you have your own personal tip to overcome procrastination? Please share with everyone in the comments section :)
Your Coach

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Who's in Control

Who's in Control;

Bad things are going to happen to you in life. That’s just part of what it means to be a human being. You might lose a job. Your relationship with your significant other might end. Even worse, you could be faced with a personal tragedy that rocks you to your very core.

These things happen to everyone, in one form or another. What makes the real difference in life is how you deal with adversity.

Refusing to be a victim means refusing to be defined, or limited in any way, by your circumstances. It’s refusing to let others control you or decide what you can and cannot have. Ultimately, it’s taking full and total responsibility for yourself. You may not be able to control what happens to you, but you can certainly control the way you perceive and cope with the unpleasant events in your life.

Whatever happens to you in life, good or bad, is part of your journey. The painful moments are there to push you to grow and to learn. So when things don’t go your way, no matter how horrible they may be, you can own those moments. You can become an even stronger, more influencing person because of them. And you will never, ever be a victim.

Your Coach

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Full Potential

Full Potential Stop Doubting;

Right now, whoever you are, you have the power to reach your full potential and accomplish great things. But in order to live your very best life as a man and as a person, you need to stop doubting your ability to reach that potential. You need to believe not only that you deserve the things that you want, but that you are capable of making them happen.

When you doubt yourself – when you see yourself as less than you really are – you short circuit yourself. You stop holding yourself to the standards of behaviour and accomplishment that you’re capable of. You think you deserve less, so you act like deserve less, and guess what happens?

You wind up with less.

So right now, today, is the time to release self-doubt from your mind and your soul and your consciousness. Your job is simply to go after what you want and who you want to be with all your heart and soul. Trust that you want it because it is right for you, and trust that you deserve to go after it.

More often than not, there is only one person standing between you and your full potential – and that is you. So right now is the time to stop saying “I can’t” and replace itwith the words, “I can.” Not just “I can,” but “I will.”

And you will.

Your Coach Bill

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Be Aware Of:

Be Aware Of:

Between work and family and friends and our bodies and our relationships and money and the other zillion pressures of modern life, stress happens. That’s just reality, and there’s really no controlling it. With our iPhones and Blackberries we are constantly reachable, constantly accountable, constantly plugged in. And even for the technophobic, life today is more complicated, and more stressful, than ever before.

However, there is something we can do to control the effect stress has on us. We can control how we handle stress.

When we let stress get the best of us, it can take an enormous toll on our physical and mental health and actually prevent us from living the lives we want to live. But when we manage stress, we can put it in its proper place, deal with it and move on. The first step in managing stress is to recognize it. Stress and denial can be a dangerous combination – you can work yourself into a state of exhaustion while accomplishing absolutely nothing. But by taking a moment to recognize that you are under stress and honor that experience, you can then take positive action to help you cope in a way that works for you. Whether it’s going for a walk, listening to music or just taking a few deep breaths, finding a way to manage stress will keep you focused and on track toward a fulfilling life.


Saturday, June 5, 2010

Being Fearless;

Being Fearless

Every day in your life, every moment, is filled with possibility. And there is one thing that can stop that possibilities in their tracks and prevent them from becoming reality.

That something is Fear.

Fear is a natural, human response. It was wired into our DNA for a very important reason – to keep us from wandering into situations where we could get hurt, or even killed. It’s part of our natural, inborn need to Not Die.

But in our modern world, the danger of walking into a fire or getting eaten by a lion is very minimal. The problem is, we still have all that natural adrenaline zooming around inside of us. And what happens is, it gets directed to other areas – when we’re in an unfamiliar situation, or taking a risk. And instead of protecting us, in our modern lives, fear actually hurts us.

For that reason, fear is basically a useless emotion. It only serves to stop you, and the only thing it stops you from is reaching your full potential as a woman and as a human being. So from now on, from this day forward, fear has no place in your life. Unless there is a clear and present danger to your physical health, you can and will move forward fearlessly. Whatever is out there waiting for you, you are strong enough to handle it. You will learn from it. And you will become more beautiful for having faced it.

So bring it on.