Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Stop The Sabotage

Stop the Sabotage;

Come on… admit it. We all have an ability to dwell on “what if” questions. If we really let them, sometimes those “what if” scenarios that we visualize in our minds can even grow into overblown exaggerations of the realistic outcomes in our circumstances. In today’s challenging economy, it’s sometimes easy to ask ourselves, “What if my manager doesn’t think that I’m a strong enough team member in my company to keep on staff?” In our personal life, we might worry, “What if my appearance doesn’t measure up against other women who are more fit than me?” If you’ve been plagued by energy-draining thoughts like these, you are NOT alone… but there is a more fulfilling way of thinking.

How about trying on a new “what if” for size? What if… you took action on what you can control instead of dwelling on what you cannot? What if… you commit to engaging more in thoughts that bring you joy instead of self-consciousness? What if… you shift yourself from worrier to warrior? I believe you can do it!

Take a moment and really examine your own thought life. Be honest. Are you allowing your concerns to direct you towards taking responsible actions for the manageable aspects of your life? Great! Those are healthy concerns. Act on them by staying focused on being productive at work, working out and eating healthy. Then, once you handle those tasks that are within your control, do you allow your mind to let go and trust that you’ve done all you can? If so, you might already be a warrior instead of a worrier.

Alternatively, are your healthy concerns growing unrestrained, like weeds, into unproductive worries that send you spiraling? Watch out! That path will lead to feelings of dissatisfaction and troublesome worry. Take some time to consider which of your thoughts might be troubling you, and wrestle with them. Once you’ve taken action and done everything you can in your situation, practice releasing your worries about the outcome.

My desire for you is that you’ll thrive in life from learning to keep your worries in check. I believe that you have it in you to do it! Just taking the first step toward recognizing your unhealthy concerns will lead towards minimizing worries in your mind. I encourage you to take one step at a time to develop a system that works specifically for you in locking out toxic worries from your thoughts.
Trust me - you’ll feel more inner peace than ever before!
Your Coach,

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