Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Move the Bar?

Getting Out Of Your Comfort Zone;

How easy is it for you to try new things, to meet new people, to enjoy new experiences? If you find yourself limited to the same activities, the same circle of people, essentially the same life day after day, it’s probably time to expand your comfort zone.

Remember, a successful life is not about being timid or hiding in the shadows. It’s about getting out there and living life to the fullest, having as many new and varied experiences as you possibly can. It’s a about pushing yourself beyond what you thought where your limits to experience more love, more joy, more fulfillment than you ever thought possible. It’s about learning and growing every single day.

To do all that, you absolutely need to be able to expand your comfort zone.

Moving beyond your comfort zone is not like violating a boundary – although it might feel like it. It’s about going someplace new because of the positive things it will add to your life. A successful person welcomes and celebrates the chance to move beyond there comfort zone, because every time he or she does means another opportunity to learn more, be more and grow more. And those are the kind of opportunities you absolutely don’t want to miss.
Your Coach,

1 comment:

  1. Hi, I just wanted to share a personal story.
    I have always been afraid of public speaking but recently I started a job that requires me to train classes of door-to-door salesmen. For the past few weeks I've had to stand up infront of a class and face my fear of public speaking.
    The result of facing this fear has had an incredible impact on my business and my life in general! I've started connecting with people about the business opportunity with a new-gained confidence, and I'm talking to people way more than I ever did before; talking to people has become so easy now! I've been consistently doing an average of 2 PQVs a week and often more. As a result I've had an average of one new person at the weekly I.C.O for the past three weeks. I no longer feel terrified and physically ill at the idea of one day showing the plan to a large group of people!
    I have now decided to face a new fear at least once a year for the rest of my life, it really is incredible to feel this kind of change!
    Thanks for the emails Bill! I hope you continue with those small doses of motivation because they really do help, and This blog is wonderful too! You are an awesome coach!

    Clare Tries
    Kamloops BC
