Thursday, July 1, 2010

The Real Strength

The Real Strength;

The ability to stay purpose-driven during all of the different seasons of your life is a major key to overcoming rejection and the manifestation of phenomenal break-throughs that will occur down the road.

Real strength isn’t about being to run a marathon or bench-press your own weight – although it certainly takes strength to do those things. But the purest, truest form of strength is emotional strength. If you are not strong emotionally, you really can’t consider yourself strong at all.

It takes emotional strength to live your life to the fullest, to be the person you were meant to be, to achieve just about anything. Because almost anything worth doing, and worth doing well, is not easy. The things in life that really matter are the things that are going to test you at your core. They’re going to push you and challenge you.

In order to meet those challenges, you absolutely must be emotionally strong.

The good news is, no matter how you see yourself emotionally, you already have emotional strength inside of you. There have no doubt been times in your life when you pushed through pain to move on, to be there for another person, to get to the next level. That strength is there for you whenever you need to call on it – whenever you need a boost to move beyond where you are.

A wildly successful life will always have its share of challenges – it’s not a life lived in the darkness. It’s not a life lived without reaching, and without sometimes falling. Which is why emotional strength is essential to see you through the difficult times and keep you moving forward.
Team call to action is posted in our 30 day focus make July and August memorable to your growth going forward!!!!
Your Coach

1 comment:

  1. Hi Bill :) I'm from Adelaide in south australia. I saw you and Janice speak at my first conference I went to. :) You guys were great!! I really love reading the stuff you write here and it helps a lot. Thanx.

