Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Getting to the finish line;

Getting to the finish line – Setting goals:

Living by example. Loving by example. Being the person who you are proud of being, Truthful, healthy, happy and wealthy!The biggest example a person can set for others is continually working on themselves. People are not perfect, but it starts with being honest with one's own self and being proud of the person you are today.

If you don't like the person you have become it is not too late to change the person you can become today. We are all constantly changing our goals and evaluating our purpose in live. We aren't the same as we were 5 or 10 years ago or even a few days ago. Be who you want to be not how others tell you to be. Live like you want to live. Be happy for what you have and strive for more in the coming year it is all within reach of what you want and can have. Life is a blank book and you get to write your story each and every day by what you do and what you give back to others.

Let yourself have fun and enjoy the big and small things life has to offer. Remind yourself daily that Rome wasn't built in a day.

As always your coach,

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