Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Comfort Zone Misconceptions.

Comfort Zone Misconceptions;

Have you ever found yourself believing that you can’t go forward so long as you feel fear?
The thing about fear is that we perceive it as a barbed wire barrier that we should always respect and never climb over. Although this is true of some fears, like heights or sharks (and we may want to avoid those), other fears, such as the fear of new challenges, will inevitably keep us from reaching our potential.
The only way to step out of your comfort zone is to face your fears along the way, until you do, they will always be there. And in order to do this, we must take up courage. You may have heard it said before but it deems worth repeating that courage is not the absence of fear; rather it is choosing to act in spite of it. You could say, without fear, you can’t have genuine courage.
The incredible thing about acting in fear is that in doing so you discover that fear doesn’t have to stop you. You may even find that what you thought were limits are actually more like starting points.
From-Bruce Wilkinson, The Dream Giver;
There’s nothing the matter with wanting to be comfortable. But ultimately, Dreams are to help someone else. Comfort is to help yourself.
WOW! Essentially what the author is telling us is that when we avoid our dream, when we dismiss our path, settle for less or just plain get comfortable, we are actually denying others of a better life too. Think about it. When you are pursuing a dream you are doing a multitude of great things to and for others. For example: Suppose your dream is to become the best artist you can be, world renowned, successful and affluent in the process. Here are just a few things you would be blessing others with along the way:
1. New and beautiful artwork for others homes and offices.
2. Inspiration and guidance to others coming up behind you (remember in breaking down barriers you are creating a path to be followed and passing the baton to others with your dream).
3. Financial blessings to others in need. (It’s hard to be a financial help from your couch).
4. A smile to those who see you living your dream, if you are happy others around you will find it hard not to be as well; attitudes are contagious.
5. a legacy to leave your children. I for one truly want my children to look at my life one day and be amazed, inspired and learn through my example to live life fully.
When you sacrifice your dream for a life of “comfort” you are in fact being selfish. Do not deny others their dreams and happiness simply because you are battling feeling of fear, complacency or doubt. Your comfort zone can turn into a prison if you let it. You see, every Dream is initially way beyond your abilities and experience, that that is what makes them dreams.
I know the best artist is out of most of our grasps but we have in our hand a vehicle equally if not more rewarding to the world.

1 comment:

  1. I just love this blog idea. I am Very happy to be a follower of Mr. Bill Kerr. His thinking is so much above what I am used to. But I think that these posts are giving me the boost I need to get me started and stop making excuses.
