Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Hi Team,

Great TEAM call last night thanks for contribution from everyone.
Don't forget to reply if you have questions or topic suggestions for next sunday's call
The WATCH Contest has got people really excited,we are aware that some people have a head start,but i know that has no bearing on who will win.
Janice and I went 7500 IN 5 months so we passed a lot who had a head start.
This message on the dream should help:

One of the absolute most important things you can have in your life is a dream. If you do not have a dream, I urgently suggest that you start hanging out with people who have one and develop one of your own. Make the dream your own, make it emotional, make it personal. Don’t be afraid to have a dream for material things, but most importantly, make sure to have something that motivates you when the material things don’t.
There is one critical ingredient to developing a dream. Without this ingredient your dream is only a wish. This ingredient is to understand how important it is, to understand that you are going to have to be able to fight for it. This isn’t some cute little cliché, you will need to fight for it with every fiber in your body. You will need to develop the desire to go to war for it with as much vigor as the men and women who fought and gave their lives in countless battles to preserve and provide the freedom we have in this great country. A dream is that important.
As a wise mentor and good friend says:
“Be proud of that dream, protect it, and no matter how long it takes for that dream to manifest itself you need to keep speaking what you want, believing that it’s yours, and working like it’s already there. You need to sell out and suit up so you can be part of the solution and not the problem.”
The value of a dream was captured when I heard a very wealthy man say, “I would rather be broke with a dream than to have my millions and not have a dream.” Make the dream a priority in your life, stop fooling yourself into a life of complacency. People who have dreams change the world, people who don’t have dreams end up relying on hand-outs and strip our freedom that we won from those who gave their lives for us to pursue a better future.
Live The Dream,
picture of watch was on an attachment with the last message
For Success;
Knowing is not enough,you must apply;willing is not enough,you must do.
Bill Kerr
Director of Lifestyle Operations 
cell (705)796-6255

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