Sunday, April 11, 2010

Discovering Your Dream!

Hi Team;

“The key to discovering all you are meant to be and do is to wake up to [your] big dream and set out on a journey to achieve it.” -The Dream Giver
This is a very powerful quote and I imagine an exciting one to those who have a clear vision of their dream. But what about those of us who don’t? Those are the people I want to talk to today. Actually, I take that back, I want to talk to the gung-ho dreamers as well. So, to the confused, who wonder about the future, desperate for some direction, my heart and words go out to you; and to the dreamers: heed my words because someday you will be given the chance to help someone else discover their dream, and you’re going to want to know how to do it.
There are 5 COMMON MISCONCEPTIONS people use to keep them from pursuing their dreams:
1. I don’t have a dream.
2. I have to invent my dream.
3. I have a dream but it’s not that important.
4. I have a dream but it would take a miracle to make it happen.
5. I had a dream but it’s too late.
Well, I have news for you, these are MISCONCEPTIONS and nothing more. In fact, I can even admit that as one of the owners of a company based on teaching and encouraging people to dream, at one time, even I had misconceptions about my own dream. It’s my belief that we all discover our dreams in very different ways, and just because you may not have discovered yours yet, does not, by any stretch of the imagination, mean you do not have one. Some of us know from the day we opened our eyes what we were born to do, this is what I like to call the “burning bush” moment. You may recall the story of Moses as he came across a burning bush in the desert and a voice from the bush (God) told him what he was created to do. So, in Moses’s case, the dream was pretty obvious. For others of us, it takes time, it takes trying new things and giving them a chance, meeting new people and trusting the little tiny tug inside of you that says, “Hey, I really like this. I think I’ll see where it takes me.”
Let me try to set you free a bit more because I’m sure “following your inclination” isn’t doing it for you. Here are 5 TRUTHS that I encourage you to embrace.
1. you do have a dream.
2. you don’t have to invent your dream, your dream was planted in you before you began.
3. your dream is unique and important.
4. your dream is yours to act on.
5. It’s never too late to act on your dream.
Observe your life, whether you are 9 or 90, and write down your conclusions. What have you always been good at? What needs do you care about the most? Who do you admire the most? What makes you feel most fulfilled? What do you love to do the most? And what have you felt called to do? I hope these questions have helped to clarify your pursuit. For further clarification, I recommend reading a book by Bruce Wilkinson called The Dream Giver. And remember, it is a fact that each one of us was placed on this earth with a dream inside of us. You are the only you and I am the only me, therefore no one else can accomplish what it is that you were meant to do. And if you don’t follow your dream, something very important won’t happen.

Kerr Business Group

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