Friday, April 30, 2010

Get Past Procrastination&Perfectionism

Hi Team,

How to get past procrastination and perfectionism.
Often we point out problems but no solution, this will help - don't forget Sunday Call at 9:30 (info at bottom of message).
Finish April Strong by being 150/50 so your at the team standard for Fast Track.
Every day, millions of brilliant projects fail to deliver value — not because of bad planning or lack of skill, but because they never got off the ground. Two mental habits account for this loss: perfectionism and procrastination. These habits always travel together, and, at some point, everyone comes under their paralyzing influence. For all their power, though, they can be eliminated with an incredibly simple solution called The 80% Approach™.
Perfectionism and procrastination defined.
Perfectionism is an obsession with the ideal. Procrastination is a refusal to take action because an “ideal result” isn’t guaranteed. The words and concepts might sound familiar, yet we seldom approach these terribly limiting mental blocks as if we could do something about them.
Isn’t perfectionism a good thing? Not really, because perfectionists aren’t willing to settle for anything less than the ideal, and since ideals aren’t constrained by reality, perfectionists get stuck in the clouds. Nothing measures up, and rather than providing vision or hope, this obsession leads to a perpetual dissatisfaction. Paralysis sets in, and with it comes procrastination.
Often when we accuse ourselves or others of procrastinating, what we really mean is “being lazy.” You can see the guilt this idea imposes, which does nothing to solve the problem and everything to compound it.
Procrastination isn’t actually about laziness at all. It’s about fear: fear that our actions might not turn out perfectly. And so the perfectionism-procrastination circle closes on itself.
80% the way out.
You need light to drive a car, but you wouldn’t drive by looking into the sun. Likewise, approaching a project with a 100% focus is a sure way to blind yourself.
Chances are you’ll never evaluate your first results as 100%. What’s more, you’ll learn things on the way to your first results that open up possibilities and refinements you couldn’t have seen when you started out. So even if you aim for 100%, you’re never going to get it. This can make you dissatisfied and disillusioned — or you can use it to your advantage. We call this The 80% Approach.
80% is more than mediocre.
Aiming for 80% isn’t settling for mediocrity. Here are three reasons why:
1. 80% is better than nothing. Most projects are so frozen by obsessive notions about the ideal that they never happen at all. In many cases, achieving 80% of your ideal on the first try is enough. When you get the first 80% out there, most people will tend to focus on what you did achieve, not on how it fell short of an ideal that only you held in your head. You may be surprised to find that they get tremendous value out of your 80%, and that their feedback gives you ideas for improvements you couldn’t have anticipated on your own.
2. You can have more than one 80%. After reaching the first 80%, you can go back and do the next 80%, and the next, and the next. Or, even better, let other people do the next 80%. People who have a fresh perspective and skills that complement your own can often take a result to the next level much more easily. Once you’ve reached the first 80%, going 80% of the remaining way takes you to 96% of the ideal!
3. There’s no such thing as 100%. Perfection is just a mental construct — and a debilitating one. Continuous progress is a healthier and more workable goal. Many projects can be successfully completed with an 80% result, and quite often, all the extra work won’t make any visible difference. Holding on to projects for too long stops others from being able to move forward with their part, and also restricts their ability to contribute. When you shift your focus to 80%, teamwork will soar.

For Success;
Knowing is not enough,you must apply;willing is not enough,you must do.
Bill Kerr
Director of Lifestyle Operations 
cell (705)796-6255

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

8 Harsh Truths That Will Improve Your Life!

Stumbled across this, could have easily used my own experiences but most of you know those stories and its could to here someone elses!!

8 Harsh Truths That Will Improve Your Life;

They say life is what we make of it. By the end of this post, I hope to have helped you decide whether that statement is true or not.

There is no doubt that life has its ups and downs. However, how we deal with them can sometimes make all the difference.

Some of these lessons may be old-hat for you. If so, look for ways to refine the idea to ensure your getting the most out of it. On the other hand, you may completely disagree with an idea or two and that's great! Let us know your thoughts so we can all learn from each other.

1. Friends Come and Go
When I was in high school, I always imagined spending most of my life with the same people. Then when I realized I had to move to college, that all changed. Once again, I made some close college friends but left them all behind when I moved to South Africa.
Friends will always come and go in your life; even though I'm back in the UK now, all my friends are in university around the country and not exactly in meeting distance. It can be a hard thing to accept, but many of the friends you spend time with now, might not be around in the next few years.
Important Lesson: There are an abundance of amazing people out there for you to meet and build relationships with. If you don't have many friends, don't stress, there are literally billions of friendship possibilities.
2. You Won't Always Get What You Want
I remember one Christmas when the only thing I had asked for was some second hand turntables for DJ'ing. I didn't ask for anything else so I was pretty sure I would get them. However, they didn't come and I ended up having to save for 10 months on my own in order to purchase them. 
You won't always get what you want in life: people are going to be late, people will let you down, items you want won't always be available.
Important Lesson: Don't look for happiness in material possessions and if things don't go your way, learn to accept them. Life's too short to stay miserable.
3. Many People Will Love You, but Many Will Not
Whether you are a celebrity, a charity worker or just a normal guy, there are going to be people that love you and what you do, but there's also going to be plenty people that don't like you. There are many possible reasons such as jealousy, similarities to them, or just not being someone's 'type'.
Important Lesson: Not everyone is always going to like you, and that's fine. If people want to spend time talking about you then that is their problem. You are perfect as you are. You shouldn't need everyone to like you to have some form of self-esteem.
4. Nobody Can Transform Your Life Like You Can
Wouldn't it be lovely if we didn't have to go up on stage, but we could just read a paragraph of a blog post and become a perfect public speaker? Or, wouldn't it be nice if our friends could do daring things, and we would benefit from them as well?

The support and help of others can only take you so far, you're going to have to do your own thing to make big changes in your life situation.

Important Lesson: Do things for yourself and learn to stand on your own two feet. People you rely on won't be around forever, and you don't want to have to use others as a crutch to get anywhere in life.

5. You Are Going to Fail

I built more than 7 websites before I created one that actually started making me any money. I even put hundreds of hours into my own company that I actually closed down last month. Whether it is exams, projects, companies, or even the odd pub quiz, there are times when you will fail to meet your goals.

As the saying goes - "Only those who are asleep make no mistakes".

Important Lesson: You can learn a lot from others, but it is your own failures that are going to teach you the most valuable lessons in life. Learn from your failures, embrace them, and use them to drive you on to success.

6. Rain Will Sometimes Cancel Play

On some occasions when you have your shorts on and you're ready for the beach, it's going to rain. Or, when you get to that first hole and you're ready to tee off - the clouds will open. Things aren't always going to go how you would like them to.

Important Lesson: Don't stress about the things that you can't control. Learn to live with things that happen. You can't change the past, but you can change how you react to things.

7. There May Be No Tomorrow

At least, not for you anyway. We never know what is around the corner, a car crash, a heart attack; heck...even the end of the world is possible. Let's face it, although we would all like to live till we are 70 years old, that's certainly not always the case. There will be one day that is our last.

Important Lesson: Make the most of each day. Make sure the people you care about actually know it, don't worry about little matters, just make sure you spend time doing the things you love.

8. Someone Else Will Always Have More

Whether it is money, partners, friends or even blog subscribers, there will always be areas where other people have more than you. That isn't to say you can't become abundant in whatever you want (i.e. someone always had more money than Warren Buffett until 2008 when he was noted to be the richest man in the world).

The wanting of more actually holds a very important lesson...

Important Lesson: Just because someone has 'more', that doesn't mean they are happy. Read the biography of any celebrity and they will tell you they enjoy their process of earning money, rather than what money can do to make them happy. In other words, focus on what you love, not what the thing you love can get you.

Live life for the moment
Accept what is, even if things don't go your way
Happiness is here, right now if you stop resisting and start accepting

For Success;
Knowing is not enough,you must apply;willing is not enough,you must do.
Bill Kerr
Director of Lifestyle Operations 

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Focus and Simplify.

Hi Team,

Focus and simplify your efforts with the three most powerful entrepreneurial goals.
Every entrepreneurial business is unique; yet, business goals basically boil down to three categories. As you plan the future of your business, you can simplify and direct your efforts by constantly asking yourself which of the following you’re trying to achieve:
-Productivity. Every entrepreneur wants to improve on his or her productivity: getting more done in less time and with less effort. This is how you know you’re getting better at what you do.
• Profitability. An unmistakable measuring stick for your success as an entrepreneur is money. This comes in two forms: the amount of money you make, and the amount of money you get to keep and use personally.
• Predictability. Ultimately, entrepreneurs want more and more predictability as they focus on creating value for ibo’s and customers and receive value from those relationships.
When you have predictability, you can see further into the future. Your productivity and profitability provide you with the means, the resources, and the opportunities to plan that far ahead. Many entrepreneurs can’t see any further than the week they’re in, while the most successful entrepreneurs can look ahead a year, two years, five years, or more, planning and investing for that time now.
Kerr Business Group methods of achieving these categories;

Productivity - Qi System,PQV Technique.
Profitability - Proper Structure founded in Fast Track
Predictability- 2 pqv yeses/wk and Grand Openings to Build Volume!!
Go Team
See YOU This week at ICO INFO Sessions.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

The 10 Human Victories!!

“The 10 Human Victories”

#1. You reach your end full of happiness and fulfillment on realizing that you are all used up-having spent the fullness of your talents, the biggest of your resources, and the best of your potential doing great work and leading a rare-air life.
#2.You reach your end knowing that you played at a standard of concentrated excellence and held yourself to the most impeccable of standards in each thing you did.
#3. You reach your end in noisy celebration for having the boldness of spirit to have regularly confronted your largest fears and realized your highest visions.
#4. You reach your end and recognize that you became the person who built people up versus one who tore people down.
#5. You reach your end with the understanding that while your journey may not always been a smooth one, whenever you get knocked down you instantly got back up-and at all times, never suffered from any lack of optimism.
#6. You reach the end and bask in the glory of your phenomenal achievements along with the rich value you have contributed to the lives of the people you were lucky to serve.
#7. You reach the end and value the strong, ethical, inspirational person you grew into.
#8. You reach the end and realize that you were a genuine innovator who blazed new trails instead of following old roads.
#9. You reach your end surrounded with teammates who call you a rockstar, and loved ones who call you a legend.
#10. You reach your end as a true Leader Without a Title, knowing that the great deeds you did will endure long after your death and your life stands as a model of possibility.

From the book – Leader Without a Title

Monday, April 19, 2010

The 10 Human Regrets!

“The 10 Human Regrets”
#1. You reach your last day with the brilliant song that your life was meant to sing still silent in you.
#2. You reach your last day without ever having experienced the God given talents that inhabits you to do great work and achieve great things
#3. You reach your last day realizing that you never inspired any one else by your example.
#4. You reach your last day full of pain at the realization that you never took any bold risks and so you never received your true rewards.
#5. You reach your last day understanding that you missed the opportunity to catch a glimpse of freedom because you bought in to the lie that you had to be resigned to mediocrity.
#6. You reach your last day and feel heartbroken that you never learned the skill of transforming adversity into victory.
#7.You reach your last day regretting that you forgot work is about being radically helpful to others rather than being helpful only to yourself.
#8. You reach your last day with the awareness that you ended up living the life that society trained you to want versus leading the life you truly wanted to have.
#9. You reach your last day and awaken to the fact that you never realized your absolute best nor touched the special genius that you were built to become.
#10. You reach your last day and discover you could have been a leader and left this world so much better than you found it. But you refused to accept the mission because you were just to scared. And so you failed what a waste!


Thursday, April 15, 2010


Hi Team,
Conservatively 85% of the World's people suffer from a diminished Self Esteem.

High self-esteem is a critical component necessary for attracting abundance, rewarding relationships, happiness, peace of mind, and fulfillment.

A) Self-Esteem by definition means being competent and able to cope with life's challenges and be happy, fulfilled, and productive

B) It means that one has the ability to influence others. That is what constitutes personal power.

C) It's about feeling significant and accepted by others who consider us worthy of their attention and affection

D) And it's about feeling that we are worthy of all the good things that life has to offer us because we hold ourselves as morally good and valuable.

Kerr Business Group keys to self-esteem,

#1. No Failure Diseases- Procrastination,Excusitis, and Detailitis.
#2. Personal habits develop Personal Momentum.
#3. Listen and Read Self-esteem Material


Sunday, April 11, 2010

Discovering Your Dream!

Hi Team;

“The key to discovering all you are meant to be and do is to wake up to [your] big dream and set out on a journey to achieve it.” -The Dream Giver
This is a very powerful quote and I imagine an exciting one to those who have a clear vision of their dream. But what about those of us who don’t? Those are the people I want to talk to today. Actually, I take that back, I want to talk to the gung-ho dreamers as well. So, to the confused, who wonder about the future, desperate for some direction, my heart and words go out to you; and to the dreamers: heed my words because someday you will be given the chance to help someone else discover their dream, and you’re going to want to know how to do it.
There are 5 COMMON MISCONCEPTIONS people use to keep them from pursuing their dreams:
1. I don’t have a dream.
2. I have to invent my dream.
3. I have a dream but it’s not that important.
4. I have a dream but it would take a miracle to make it happen.
5. I had a dream but it’s too late.
Well, I have news for you, these are MISCONCEPTIONS and nothing more. In fact, I can even admit that as one of the owners of a company based on teaching and encouraging people to dream, at one time, even I had misconceptions about my own dream. It’s my belief that we all discover our dreams in very different ways, and just because you may not have discovered yours yet, does not, by any stretch of the imagination, mean you do not have one. Some of us know from the day we opened our eyes what we were born to do, this is what I like to call the “burning bush” moment. You may recall the story of Moses as he came across a burning bush in the desert and a voice from the bush (God) told him what he was created to do. So, in Moses’s case, the dream was pretty obvious. For others of us, it takes time, it takes trying new things and giving them a chance, meeting new people and trusting the little tiny tug inside of you that says, “Hey, I really like this. I think I’ll see where it takes me.”
Let me try to set you free a bit more because I’m sure “following your inclination” isn’t doing it for you. Here are 5 TRUTHS that I encourage you to embrace.
1. you do have a dream.
2. you don’t have to invent your dream, your dream was planted in you before you began.
3. your dream is unique and important.
4. your dream is yours to act on.
5. It’s never too late to act on your dream.
Observe your life, whether you are 9 or 90, and write down your conclusions. What have you always been good at? What needs do you care about the most? Who do you admire the most? What makes you feel most fulfilled? What do you love to do the most? And what have you felt called to do? I hope these questions have helped to clarify your pursuit. For further clarification, I recommend reading a book by Bruce Wilkinson called The Dream Giver. And remember, it is a fact that each one of us was placed on this earth with a dream inside of us. You are the only you and I am the only me, therefore no one else can accomplish what it is that you were meant to do. And if you don’t follow your dream, something very important won’t happen.

Kerr Business Group

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

6 Points to Build a Team.

Hi Team,

This cd is talked about by the diamond council as a first night audio i sent a link on March 2nd and also below, its called Private Franchising so I would like some feedback!
2nd there are some great reminders here for building a team, maybe Post them some where as a reminder.
3rd Trudy shared some more information and success from Kelly and her month its a reminder for feedback for Sunday's call.


For our leaders, coaches, & team-builder friends out there. Here are 6 steps to creating a motivated and powerful following.

1. Blow their minds with commitment.
People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care. Confidently go the extra mile and develop maximum mentality. Do not try to see how little you can do to get the job done. Always do more than what is expected.
2. Use Success stories as examples to build belief in your goals and plan.
Don’t hesitate to lift up people who you know and are a part of your group, point to them as an example of success to everyone else. This builds believe because if they can do it, I can do it.
3. Always leave or finish 5 minutes before they want you to.
(Don’t waist their time by being long winded) You would rather leave people wanting more than to have them counting down time until you finally leave.
4. Be available, keep in contact.
Don’t annoy people by wedging yourself into their life everyday but when they call, be there to answer and if they need you make it a point to be there as soon as possible. Reconnect with them as often as it’s an appropriate gap of time. Also (see step 6)
5. Know what you’re trying to accomplish, have a definite major plan.
People want to join you when they not only see you know where you are going but they can tell you believe in it and there is no doubt that you are going to accomplish your goals.
6. Always book a meeting from a meeting.
Always have plenty of resource materials and training tools available for your people to borrow.

Victories From the TEAM

Good Morning Bill,
I really enjoyed the conference call last night.  Thank you for  the opportunity to share  my excitement, hopefully it helped someone!!  I did not share everything I had wanted, like of the two  I got registered, One is activated, and the other did over 100pv on startup day, and it took a couple months of consistant effort to yield the results of consistant people out at ICO's.  I didn't expect to be nervous, and was surprised that I was. I look forward to hearing from others as well on future calls! So, thank you again for the opportunity, and I am very excited about where we are going as a team, and personally too.  Just heading off to Kamloops this morning, showing a plan there today, and helping out a couple team members!
Thanks for all you do,
PS  Great watch, I look forward to one!!!!!!!!!!

For Success;
Knowing is not enough,you must apply;willing is not enough,you must do.
Bill Kerr
Director of Lifestyle Operations 
cell (705)796-6255

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Hi Team,

Great TEAM call last night thanks for contribution from everyone.
Don't forget to reply if you have questions or topic suggestions for next sunday's call
The WATCH Contest has got people really excited,we are aware that some people have a head start,but i know that has no bearing on who will win.
Janice and I went 7500 IN 5 months so we passed a lot who had a head start.
This message on the dream should help:

One of the absolute most important things you can have in your life is a dream. If you do not have a dream, I urgently suggest that you start hanging out with people who have one and develop one of your own. Make the dream your own, make it emotional, make it personal. Don’t be afraid to have a dream for material things, but most importantly, make sure to have something that motivates you when the material things don’t.
There is one critical ingredient to developing a dream. Without this ingredient your dream is only a wish. This ingredient is to understand how important it is, to understand that you are going to have to be able to fight for it. This isn’t some cute little cliché, you will need to fight for it with every fiber in your body. You will need to develop the desire to go to war for it with as much vigor as the men and women who fought and gave their lives in countless battles to preserve and provide the freedom we have in this great country. A dream is that important.
As a wise mentor and good friend says:
“Be proud of that dream, protect it, and no matter how long it takes for that dream to manifest itself you need to keep speaking what you want, believing that it’s yours, and working like it’s already there. You need to sell out and suit up so you can be part of the solution and not the problem.”
The value of a dream was captured when I heard a very wealthy man say, “I would rather be broke with a dream than to have my millions and not have a dream.” Make the dream a priority in your life, stop fooling yourself into a life of complacency. People who have dreams change the world, people who don’t have dreams end up relying on hand-outs and strip our freedom that we won from those who gave their lives for us to pursue a better future.
Live The Dream,
picture of watch was on an attachment with the last message
For Success;
Knowing is not enough,you must apply;willing is not enough,you must do.
Bill Kerr
Director of Lifestyle Operations 
cell (705)796-6255

Sunday, April 4, 2010


Hi Team,
Procrastination is a dream destroyer.
It's like a big bomb exploding violently on our 
personal goals. The things we deeply cherish.
After the explosion, all that's left is...regrets.
Regrets make us tremble inside. It's an internal 
earthquake that leaves us feeling empty.
For a long time, procrastination held me deep inside 
its mongoose grip.
I couldn't shake it.
I couldn't slay it.
I'd walk 2 steps forward, then retreat 3 steps back.
For a 7 year period of time, procrastination and its 
sister 'scatteredness' robbed money from 
my bank account.
Its difficult to calculate how much these destroyers cost me. 
 100,000's Maybe more.
Now, think about how much money they've cost you?
What could you have done with that extra money, what could 
you have given your family?
What if you don't change? (frightening)
How will you FEEL being in this same place 2 years from now?
Feel it NOW.
Will you accept it?
Are you ready to change?
Are you sure?
I'm going to quote the great author Napoleon Hill on 
overcoming procrastination.
'The principle of concentration is the medium by which 
procrastination is overcome. The same principle is the 
foundation upon which both self-confidence and 
self-esteem are predicated.'
You can stay where you are right now or you can take 
Napoleon Hill's advice and learn how to concentrate.
I hugged his advice and discovering how to concentrate 
propelled me to financial freedom.
Would you like to join me?
Procrastination is the thief of profit. Run from it. NOW.
We have great opportunity with what the corp has offered, $300 for three new activated Personals
So lets get the CASH
Monday April 5th 9:30 est Team Training Conference Call.
So Please join us!!
And the call in is - 18662693479
passcode is- 1310688563 follow instructions
We will be crisp and to the point

Your Coach,
For Success;
Knowing is not enough,you must apply;willing is not enough,you must do.
Bill Kerr
Director of Lifestyle Operations 
cell (705)796-6255

Friday, April 2, 2010

Fantastic Sales Nuggets, Your Thoughts?

Thanks Jim Graham for sharing this with me!

Subject: Not Every Salesperson Rises to the Same Level

A noted author on sales is David Kurlan, the founder of Objective Management Group, an assessment firm that we rely heavily upon for our sales assessments. Recently I was reading some things he had written and wanted to share his comments and add some of my thoughts.

When I began coaching top level salespeople ten years ago, it quickly became obvious that not everyone needed the same thing, and certainly not everyone who entered our training program was equally prepared to move forward with their sales development. I came to the realization that in order to properly help salespeople grow in their sales performance, four things had to be evaluated correctly:

Desire: Do they really want to get better? Desire is actually a fear based emotion. There has to be something that is driving a person: a goal, a purpose or reason that is significant – no meaningful goal means no real desire.

Commitment: Are they willing to do whatever it takes to reach their goal, including taking a risk to change? Commitment means eliminating any excuse making, blaming and victim thinking.

Identify Anchors Below the Surface: There is so much about a salesperson you can’t tell by observing, interviewing or listening to them. Their internal anchors – those things that hold them back.

Coachability: Will they actually be willing to be coached through the six steps to evolve and change into a master salesperson?

Kurlan identified six steps of evolving as a person learns to consistently and successfully execute any sales process, concept, strategy or tactic they are trained and coached to perform. These six levels are:


Kurlan says if there are stalls at any one of those levels, they may continue on to the next level, but with an improper balance. For example, if they weren’t listening carefully and didn’t quite hear the entire message, they will inappropriately approach the next five levels. If they listened and understood, but selected a poor frame of reference for internalizing the message, they probably won’t embrace it.

Even if they advance through all the first four levels, the key level of evolving takes place at the level of attempting. Some salespeople never evolve from Level 4 – Embracing to Level 5 – Attempting. This is where internal weaknesses will have the most powerful effect. Those hidden, underlying weaknesses cause discomfort and hesitancy preventing them from taking what they would believe to be a big risk. Others may make the attempt, but they are uncomfortable and do it poorly, and their undesirable results cause them to give up very quickly.

Many clients ask why it takes so long, so many months to train and develop a salesperson. The reality is that concepts can be taught in a short period of time – that’s listening, but the other five steps to evolve take months, especially getting salespeople over the weaknesses that prevent them from attempting and executing.

Kurlan further reports through valid research (and we would confirm this based on our work for the past ten years at Edmundson Northstar) that 76% of salespeople in the U.S. are typically underperforming relative to their goals and the goals of their company. 21% have moments of exception and periods of success, but are routinely falling short of their own goals. Only 4% of the sales population really masters the art and science of selling.

Have you evolved into mastery? Why not? The first step would be to find out through a valid assessment and determine what’s holding you back.

Great Stuff Read Over till you comprehend.