Tuesday, March 1, 2011

The Lone Ranger Myth

Activity Year 2011
Will bring results
Congratulations ; Coleen Brown's Team

Austin Bailey (new 1000 in January) has a new 1000 pin in his team Ian Truelove-fantastic
also Cody Riley(Ian's Team) Finished Fast Track and will receive his Extra 200$ bonus
Austin and Ian where on Stage with Coleen at Kalahari on our Panel

Andy Smith
Feb 12- shared the concept on crossing the line, taking the jump sort of speak.
Here is his 4 Step Process,

#1. The Lead In .....
"hey this is a little out of the blue but..."
"hey this may be random but.."
#2. Ask The Question.....
"are you looking...?
"have you considered making additional business income outside of what you doing..."
#3. Explain Yourself...
"the reason I ask is because i just got my foot in the door with a business team (kerr business group ) and they are expanding
#4. Get There Info (PQV)
" let me get your # and i will call you when your in front of a computer and have you view a quick video to see if your a fit or not

Important of course have a set answer for what is it - "i-commerce every heard of it?"

The Myth Of The Lone Ranger

In recent years, people in the business world have rediscovered the significance of teams. In the 1980s, the buzzword in business circles was management. Then in the 1990s, the emphasis was on leadership. Now in the twenty-first century, the emphasis is on teams. Why? Because nobody does everything well.
Not everyone recognizes that those closest to you will make or break you. There are still leaders who hold up the Lone Ranger as their model for leadership. One of the best illustrations of how unrealistic that ideal of leadership really is can be found in American Spirit by Lawrence Miller:
Problems are always solved in the same way. The Lone Ranger and his faithful Indian companion … come riding into town. The Lone Ranger, with his mask and mysterious identity, background, and lifestyle, never becomes intimate with those whom he will help. His power is partly in his mystique. Within ten minutes the Lone Ranger has understood the problem, identified who the bad guys are, and has set out to catch them. He quickly outwits the bad guys, draws his gun, and has them behind bars. And then there was always that wonderful scene at the end [where] the helpless victims are standing in front of their ranch or in the town square marvelling at how wonderful it is now that they have been saved.
What baloney! There are no Lone Ranger leaders. Think about it: If you’re alone, you’re not leading anybody, are you?
Leadership expert Warren Bennis was right when he maintained, “The leader finds greatness in the group, and he or she helps the members find it in themselves.” Think of any highly effective leader, and you will find someone who surrounded himself with a strong inner circle. You can see it in business, ministry, sports, and even family relationships. Those closest to "YOU"
determine your level of success.
from The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership

For Success;
Knowing is not enough,you must apply;willing is not enough,you must do.
Bill Kerr
Director of Lifestyle Operations 
cell (705)796-6255

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