Monday, September 20, 2010

Afternoon With Tony Robbins

Thanks To Domenic McKenna;

An afternoon with Tony Robbins
A week and a half ago I spent 4 hours listening to Peak Performance Coach Tony Robbins in Sydney. It was the most inspiring, value adding, motivating and thought provoking talk I have seen. This is a personal recap of the key points covered for all out there in iWorld (note: this is only brief points of what was an information packed session which to get full value, one should attend and experience first hand):

The Smartest people make money and create wealth during an economic winter. In doing so you should prepare yourself with these 3 Leadership Mandates:

1. See it as it is, not worse than it is. The Australian economy will get worse but know that anticipation is power! If you know the road ahead it will dramatically help you. Many people are skeptics, it takes no courage to be skeptical!

2. See it better than it is. ‘Without vision, people perish”. If you dont have a tomorrow, you will go nowhere. Don’t live passively while learning.

3. Make it the way you see it! Get certain about it!

The Psychology of the Entrepreneur: (a) every business must have a system. McDonalds has sold over 245 Billion Burgers due to a systemized approach. (b) you must learn to overcome adversity. If you look at Oprah’s story before she started the Oprah Winfery show, all odds were against her but she overcame her situation.

You need to get Emotional Fitness and develop Psychological Strength! To do this you need to change your psychological mindset. When studying the key reasons why people believe they fail the most common points were a lack of:

(a) Time (b) money (c) energy (d) technology (e) education (p) people

All of the above are resources. These however are not the reason people fail. It is not a lack of resources which cause us to fail but a lack of RESOURCEFULNESS! The ultimate resource is human emotion!

“It is not the season, it is you!” - You need to condition yourself to believe that you will grow through any season!

Many of the biggest companies today were grown in an economic recession. Examples are:


Your business will grown when you do!!!

WalMart outgrew all others as its leader, Sam Walton developed a culture to serve its customers better than any other outlet. Walmart is today the biggest retail outlet in the world. You need to create a culture in what you do.

The biggest thing which rules your life is your decisions. Your decisions = your destiny. This is what controls your life.

Tony gives a great analogy of when he began working with Andre Agassi and at the time Andre slipped from no #1 in the world to no #34. After a few sessions with Tony, it was found he was not focusing the way he was when he won Wimbeldon and that his physiology was totally different when approaching other players on the court to what it used to be. Once he began to get his state and physiology right, he went back to winning.


1. What to focus on? Focus = Feeling. Do not focus on what you cannot control. Most of us are dabblers and never commit. Once you commit and focus your success will follow.

2. What does this mean? Treat people like you did in the beginning always. There is a law of familiarity which says if you are around people or anything for long enough you take it for granted. This is part of the Australian culture which conditions you not to go for the full game. Evident through the notion of tall poppy syndrome.

3. What should I do? What controls your decisions is: (a) your state and (b) your blue print. Your energy is part of your state. Your energy comes from your fuel which is food. A strong state will begin with strong energy. Energy is power.

“Passion is the genesis of genius” - Tony Robbins

Who you spend time with is who you become! Find people who inspire you and create your own seminar of people you want to model!

Emotion is create by motion! (At this moment U2 Plays and 7000 people are dancing…crazy!)

The first way to change your state is your physiology. Then you must change what you focus on. This can be done through anchoring and finding your triggers to get yourself into a peak state.

How is your blue print affecting your happiness in life?

Formula for Happiness: Life Conditions = Blueprint

When your present life conditions match your core expectations, you will experience happiness in this area of your life.

Formula for unhappiness: Pain provides 3 choices!

1. First Choice: Ignore and finally blame (a) events - an event can never jump out and say ‘hey that is crap dont blame me for your lack of success’. (b)others, (c)self, (d) past. Ignorance is not bliss! All of the above are past related

2. Second Choice: Change your life conditions! Present related

3. Third Choice: (a) Change your physiology
(b) Change Your focus
(c) Change your meaning

Blaming will not move you forward. Your income income is directed by your standards of who you hang around.

All decision making must be done from a peak state. Big opportunities have been missed because people were not in the right state.

Change is automatic, it only requires action!

There are 3 Pillars of Progess:

Focused - You must get focused on what you want. Clear- You must get clear on your vision. Compelling - You need to make what you are doing or want to do compelling. Choose what and why questions to make it compelling.
Get the best strategies/mentor/tools/map/coaching for results.

Get into ACTION no success comes without action! Get yourself into a state of certainty about where you are going and take MASSIVE ACTION!

Hope you enjoyed!

Dom (written whilst taking Massive Action!)
Great Stuff Your Coach,

1 comment:

  1. That was great stuff. I realy enjoy Anthony Robbins. Where he comes from and what he has accomplished and finally, Who he has become is wonderful. Just like the Leaders from the business. TOTALLY AWESOME.
