Wednesday, March 31, 2010

The Truth about Being Successful.

Kerr Business Group Call To Action:

Sometimes the most important growth that you will see in your life is the growth that only you can see. It’s the personal development, the mental and spiritual development that you partake in. You must go through a season of preparation.
You cannot negotiate the price you will have to pay to accomplish your dream. There is a time of preparation that you must subscribe to in order to equip yourself with the proper tools to handle a greater amount of success in life. This isn’t a theory or an idea, this is a fact, it is the truth.
If you want to accumulate great success and keep it, you must be willing to do things that the average person is not willing to do. You must be willing to commit to your dream more than the person next to you. When an individual understands what I just wrote and they submit to a daily habit of personal development they will fully understand what Frank Lloyd Wright illustrates:
“No stream rises higher than its source. Whatever man might build could never express or reflect more than he was. He could record neither more nor less than he had learned of life when the buildings were built… His philosophy, true or false, is there.”
The grand total of success in a mans life reflects the preparation time in which this person continuously feeds into their life-long philosophy. As Jeff Olson so wisely and accurately draws out in his book “The Slight Edge”; Your philosophy — creates your attitude, your actions, your results — creates your life.
If you want to reap the harvest of this lesson, you must stop making decisions based off of what you see, and start making decisions based off of what you know. Your philosophy.

3 Tips To Commit To Every Single Day That Will Prepare You For Great Success:

1. Read in a personal development book until you learn something new. Then apply that new lesson in your life by taking action on it.
2. Listen to a motivational talk on CD from someone who has what you want in life. They will teach you lessons audibly that will effect your
attitude and belief in ways that books cannot do.
3. Become a people person by being outgoing, open minded and friendly to other people. Smile and say hi to at least 5 strangers a day. Whether you believe this or not, you will need to develop your skills at dealing with others to reach a greater level of success in life.
Kerr Business Group

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