Saturday, July 9, 2011

Got Goals?

Got Goals? 4 Tips from Real People That Achieved Real Goals

As an alternative to posting the hackneyed advice of self-proclaimed life coaches and storytellers (e.g. Tony Robbins, Tim Ferriss, etc…), I thought I’d collect and share advice from real people in the mySomeday community that achieved real goals. In the past, they admitted to having issues with finishing what they started. ”So, what was different this time?”, I asked. Although they all agreed that building a detailed step-by-step Plan was essential, each had a unique aspect to that Plan that kept them motivated. Here are their tips.
1. Break It Down
Maia was determined to get out of credit card debt but was daunted and occasionally paralyzed by the enormity of the goal. She decided to break down the path into clear, achievable steps and discovered that checking off smaller to-dos generated real momentum. These small flashes of progress kept her head in the game and allowed her to continue to believe that the goal would someday be reality. Maia is convinced that taking the time to break down the path into incremental steps made the difference for her.
2. Picture It
Globehound turned 40 and decided it was time to go back to the future and get back in shape. To stay motivated, he strategically placed unflattering pictures of himself in various places next to images of people he’d like to emulate. This ‘in your face’ approach worked wonders. Whenever he felt lazy or was eyeing that bag of Doritos, he’d take a quick look at the pictures and the urge was squashed. Now that he’s back in shape, he posted before and after pictures of himself as a constant reminder of a place he does not wish to return. Globehound was adamant, this visual anchor located in a prominent place had a profound impact on his ability to stick to his plan.
3. Broadcast It
Christine wanted to change levels in her biz. She knew it for a long time but it wasn’t until she shared this goal with her upline that she started to make real strides. Knowing that others were watching and rooting for her proved to be just the motivation she needed to continue to check off steps in her plan.It profoundly affected the accountability factor by adding social pressure and expectations to the mix and Christine says it was just what she needed to make the moves forward.
4. Make It About Something Bigger Than You
ASLA had run a half-marathon before but she was feeling a bit unmotivated this time around. Someone suggested that she make someone else the beneficiary of her efforts. She built a plan to run a half-marathon and included a charitable partner. Knowing that her efforts would do good beyond personal satisfaction gave her a real sense of necessity. If she was in a rut, she would visit the charity’s website and suddenly her laziness felt insignificant. She claimed that adding this one element shifted her entire perspective and gave her massive amounts of motivation.
Got any stories or motivational tips? Please share. We’re always looking to incorporate new elements into our business to increase the motivation and accountability factors.

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