Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Don't Stop Believing!!!

"Don't Stop Believing" not only a Legendary Journey song,but
It is also the battle cry of our team for the next 12 months,we just finished our Pacific Northwest Winter Conference setting the whole team in to Belief and Excitement and ACTIVITY MODE,
Without question the results and feedback(see below) of the Kalahari and Harrison weekends are off the charts LETS keep it going, below are a few of the testimonies I got and a article that may help.
Hi Bill and Janice.
I was a little tongue tied while shaking your hand Bill at the end of the Harrison conference.
Wanted to say what a fabulous weekend this was. I loved Stanley because I'm an introvert like him. But I can change.
Also wanted to say Thank you for the opportunity to perform my music and for the wonderful prize. I very
much appreciate it.
Donna Olson

"Open Up To Your Dreams"

Awesome weekend got the nuggets to move our business forward thanks so much from cory & julee

Hey Bill and Jan I hope you had a great trip home. I just wanted to thank you both for your leadership and friendship and for what you continue to bring to the Pacific North West. The weekend was very impactful and I have gotten some great feedback, again thank you for being part of our lives Doug and Rosie

Thank you so much once again this weekend was phenomenal I believe this was the function that will move our team forward:) Tammy

Hi Bill,

This weekend was awesome! Angie and I felt like Wes and Ellie were there to speak to just us! We are committed to 12 months of activity so we can grow out of that room! Thanks again for all you and Janice do to provide an atmosphere for us to learn!

With love,

Matt & Angie

Changing Your Beliefs
One of the more frequently faced challenges experienced by athletes is performance enhancement. They express frustration that they often possess identical, if not superior, physical attributes to their competition, yet they're consistently being out performed by the competition. In many of these cases the factor that separates their performance from the competitions has been found to be rooted in their belief as to their ability to outperform the competition.
In other words they are operating with a limiting belief as to their athletic ability and level of their performance. Yet it is well documented that an individual's core beliefs in any given area of their life will ultimately determine the reality they draw into their life-positive, negative or stagnant.
So how does one go about changing a limiting belief to a positive one -- one that will result in improving your performance? It has been established by psychologists and neuroscientists that every person in the world carries on an ongoing dialog, or self-talk, of between 150 and 300 words a minute. This works out to between 45,000 and 51,000 thoughts a day. Most of out self-talk is harmless thoughts that serve our daily activities like, "I need to stop at the cleaners."
The danger is when inner dialogue takes on a negative connotation such as, "I'll never be as good an athlete as he is," "I don't have the mental toughness to compete at this level," or "I'll never be that fast." The ongoing negative reinforcement created by habitual negative self-talk results in the creation of a limiting belief(s) that goes on to become self-fulfilling prophecy.
Beliefs -- positive or negative -- are literally etched into our brain in comfortable grooves or neural pathways. Incoming data from our senses travel on these neural pathways on the way to interpretation in the brain. Therefore, if you desire to change an unresourceful/limiting belief into an empowering belief, you must rewire the negative neural track created in the brain.
This can be accomplished in precisely the same way the tracks were created: by using self-talk or, more specifically affirmations. An affirmation is a statement of fact or belief -- positive or negative -- that will lead toward the end result you expect. Anything that follows the phrase "I am," such as "I am a peak performance athlete" or "I am quick and agile," is an affirmation. The simplicity of affirmations often causes them to be overlooked. Nonetheless, affirmations are regularly used by professional athletes and successful business people.
The process for changing a limiting belief to a resourceful belief using affirmations is a simple one. First, identify the areas of your life which are not working to your satisfaction.
Next, write out the affirmations that represent things the way you desire them to be, they will be the vehicle for creating new resourceful/positive pathways.
Basic to formulating a new self-suggestion is that your affirmation is short and to the point -- simple enough that a five year old child will understand it -- and is always stated in the positive. Further, your affirmation should be stated in the present tense -- as if it has already happened, for example, "I am a strong athlete."
Now you are ready to begin your daily (minimum) reprogramming process:

• Sit upright in a comfortable chair.
• Close your eyes and take a couple of minutes to progressively relax.
• Release your body's tight sharp focus on the physical world by taking yourself to an even deeper level of relaxation.
• Speak your affirmation aloud from five to twenty times (depending on the time you have and the number of beliefs you are reprogramming).
By speaking your affirmation aloud you are down-stepping your thoughts to the brains electrical network to speech, and you are involving more of your brain by including two more of your senses: auditory and kinesthetic. It is important that you trust this process and give your affirmation(s) time to achieve their desired outcome. Worry or self-doubt as to whether your affirmations are working only conveys to your subconscious worry and the belief that your desire may not come to pass or the affirmation may not succeed. Be patient, success is on the way.
In conclusion, remember that your beliefs are what produce your life's experience and can lead you to performance enhancement, not the other way around. Orchestrate your beliefs using affirmations to create a life filled with successful experiences that reinforce the beliefs that created them

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