Sunday, December 19, 2010

Thought Process 2011

Thought Process 2011:

I absolutely love this quote from Herbert Agar's book, A Time for
Greatness, "The truth that makes men free is for the most part the truth
which men prefer not to hear."

How true it is, as if you deny the truth in any area of your life, you will
soon discover that life is a game of undesirable consequences.

True honesty, self-respect, trust, authenticity and character are built on
truth not on perceptions.

The acceptance of truth is a moral obligation, not an option.

The reason is both simple and profound; lies destroy progress, compromise
character, undermine reputations, and ruin relationships with others and

A Blunt Instrument?

Truth is what it is - the truth.a collection of facts!

Your health, wealth, relationships, and peace of mind are what they are.

You choose your behavior, and you also chose the consequences of that
behavior--for better or worse.

If you're not happy with your current results or consequences in your life
right now, than you have only ONE choice to make, choose better behavior.

You either get the message in that last paragraph, or you don't. Behavior
never lies, so be the one who gets the message.

Fact is we Either change our behavior, or pay the consequences of your own

Live Authentically

To live authentically is to live transparently.

People who consistently win have no room in their lives for denial, fantasy
or fiction.

They are self-critical rather than self-deluding, and they hold themselves
to high but realistic standards.

They deal with the truth, since they recognize that nothing else will make
their goals obtainable.

Every decision about your life must be based on truth, as that is the
gateway to authenticity.

Confront truth and reality as it is, not as it was or as you wish it to

If you are committed to making 2011 the best year of your life, you have no
choice but to see the world in the purest, most transparent way possible or
you can't make decisions on a rational basis.

Make a Breakthrough in 2011

What are you pretending not to know?

What truth are you hiding from?

What part of your reality do you find undesirable?

Denial makes us do this.

Refusing to see or acknowledge what is right in front of us - truth, is a
way of coping but in the end you only survive, you do not thrive.

I want you to soar in the New Year and I want you to reach each goal you

However, in order to do that you must accept this critical reality:

You MUST have a plan, and you must choose a new strategy.

There is simply NO OTHER WAY!

If you'll allow me, I'd like to help you make this the best year of your

Your Coach,

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