Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Winners Creed!!

You’ve probably heard the expression, “what’s the point of doing anything if you’re not going to do it well? “ This pursuit of excellence is absolutely essential in the life of any successful champion. The sense of accomplishment you get from a job well done can do wonders for your self esteem. But striving for excellence isn’t only about the times you get to succeed and pat yourself on the back. Equally important – in fact, possibly more important – are those times when you miss the mark.

In any life well lived, there really are no mistakes. Unless you count the mistake of not trying. Because every time you reach for something, you push yourself a little bit farther, you grow a little bit stronger, your life becomes that much richer and more fulfilling. And even if you don’t quite reach your goal, you learn so much by pushing yourself beyond where you were before.

It’s all about not shying away from a challenge, but constantly striving to be the best you can be. Will there be days or occasions when you just get by? Of course. But your overall goal should be to keep reaching for more. And then, when you achieve it, to reach for something else. Because the winners responsibility is to never stop changing or growing.

Kerr Business Group "CREED"

Commit Totally
Respect the Process
Engage Fully
Expect Greatness
Daily Habits of Success

Habit Tip:

Your body is strong and healthy and energetic – and that energy is something to celebrate. Every day in your pursuit of success life is a new opportunity to get out there and touch people’s hearts and lives, and to experience pleasure, pride and accomplishment in all the things you do.

But do you feel like taking the world by storm every day? Probably not.

People today are overstressed and overworked, which can leave anyone feeling less than energetic. So what do you do when it takes every ounce of strength you have just to drag yourself out of bed? Believe it or not, it starts in your mind. You and your faith have the power to make yourself feel more alive right there inside your head – you just have to take charge. Drink a cold glass of water with lemon or lime to wake up your taste buds. Take a few deep breaths, or do some light stretching to warm up your muscles. Maybe a walk outside in the morning air will get your blood going.

And if none of that works, use your mind and positive self talk to change the message. Instead of focusing on how tired you feel, remind yourself of how excited you are to be on this incredible journey, and while the work may be hard at times, the best is yet to come.
Your Coach

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